Bandelier National Monument and Santa Fe
The end of fieldwork means that we can all move on the bigger and better things -- namely, sitting at a desk and analyzing stuff that you picked up out in the field. Honestly, not my favorite thing to do -- never has been since field school -- but, of course, just as important as the fieldwork. (Just not as fun, imho.)
So that weekend, before we hit the analysis head on, we took some time to play at Bandelier and Santa Fe. In retrospect, it's a good thing we went when we did, since the Las Conchas Fire has since shut down the Santa Fe Forest, including adjacent Bandelier. Santa Fe was a real delight, having seen "La Conquistadora" at the cathedral and wandering the museums (the Palace of the Governors and the New Mexico History Museum). Along with having been remiss in my blog-writing duties, I've been remiss with my New Mexico restaurant Yelps -- so, more to come, shortly.
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